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Infobric Group’s Commitment to Data Protection

Data protection and compliance with data protection regulations, including the GDPR, is of great importance to us at Infobric Group. We are committed to protecting individuals’ personal data.

Infobric Group handles personal data both as a controller (for its own purposes), for example in relation to employees, and as a processor on behalf of our customers when providing our services.

Infobric Group as a Controller

As a Controller, Infobric:

  • Ensures that the use of personal data is lawful, including that there is a legal basis for the use, that only necessary personal data is collected for specific and legitimate purposes and that personal data is stored for the time we need the data.
  • Documents the use of personal data and the measures and decisions taken regarding data protection.
  • Is transparent with how and why Infobric Group uses individuals’ personal data, for example in our external privacy policy.
  • Ensures that appropriate agreements are in place with service providers that process personal data on our behalf.
  • Has implemented technical and organizational measures to fulfill and respond to individuals’ requests exercising their rights.
  • Ensures that individuals’ personal data is protected by taking appropriate information security measures (information security is in our view key to data protection).

Infobric Group as a Processor

As a Processor, Infobric:

  • Has implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure that our customers’ personal data is protected in our services and systems.
  • Applies data protection by design and by default as guiding principles for development of our services.
  • Ensures that our staff is aware of the requirements that data protection regulations impose on the business and on themselves.
  • Is transparent with how and why Infobric Group uses customers’ personal data to provide our services.
  • Supports our customers to ensure that they can fulfill their obligations under data protection regulations, for example to respond to a request from an individual.

Infobric Group has also appointed a data protection officer (DPO) to ensure that our compliance with data protection regulations is continuously monitored.

Further information

For further information regarding our work with ensuring compliance with data protection regulations, please contact Infobric Group.